Journal Details |
Herodotus : Jurnal Pendidikan IPS HERODOTUS Prefix 10.30998 by ![]() 2615-4919 2615-4927 Prof. Dr. Sumaryoto Drs.H.Achmad Sjamsuri, M.M. 1. Social Education 2. Instructional in Social Education 3. Students Behaviours 4. Development of Social and Life Skills 5. Education in Society 6. Evaluation in Social Education April 2018 (On Going) Triannual (April, Augstus, & December) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI Jakarta Indonesia ![]() -6.2979 106.8502 |

Herodotus: Jurnal Pendidikan IPS is a peer-reviewed scientific open access journal. The journal is dedicated to publishing articles concerned with research, theory development, or program applications related to social educational sciences. This journal also tries to transmit knowledge and understanding of society in the form of facts and ideas to readers regarding social education learning in schools so that they can develop a sense of continuity and stability, provide information and techniques so that they can participate in advancing the surrounding community.
Herodotus: Jurnal Pendidikan IPS is concerned with the preparation the academician and practitioners to applied their understanding of social educational sciences and fostering students to become good citizens, who have knowledge, skills, and social care that are useful for themselves and for society and the country.
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Vol 7, No 3 (2024): Herodotus: Jurnal Pendidikan IPS
Full Issue
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Table of Contents
Roni Suswidyantoro, Sumaryoto Sumaryoto, Rinovian Rain
Ahmad Tirtayasa
Soni Alimin, Sumaryoto Sumaryoto
Ahmad Arief Fakhruddin, Sumaryoto Sumaryoto, Mamik Suendarti
Andreas Kurniawan, Sumaryoto Sumaryoto, Syahid Syahid
Fitri Suhaeni, Sumaryoto Sumaryoto, Rahayu Permana
Meilia prehartanti, Soeparlan Kasyadi, Sumaryati Tjitro Sumarto
Nur Edoh, Sumaryoto Sumaryoto, Rahayu Permana
Ray Al Sayyid Al Hakim, Soeparlan Kasyadi, Heru Suparman
Sumiati Sumiati, Sumaryoto Sumaryoto, Soeparlan Kasyadi
Wahyu Sudrajat, Sumaryoto Sumaryoto, Hasbullah Hasbullah
Asmaul Husna, Tasya Latipa, Oman Farhurohman
Taskilah Taskilah, Maria Immaculata Adhisti Prima Dewi
Ramadan Putra Astaman, Taufik Taufik, Yayan Sudradjat
Laksita Nirmala Putri, Sugeng Santoso, Taufik Taufik