Formulation of Educational and Social Values in English Textbook ‘When English Rings a Bell’

Dionisius Destyawan Kristanto(1*), Hanna Sundari(2)

(*) Corresponding Author


The purpose of this research is to describe the educational and social values in English textbooks by analyzing the evidence from the text or scripts contained in the learning content. The data collection technique in this study used a descriptive-qualitative method, content analysis obtained from the learning content in textbooks in the form of text. To analyze the value of education, the writer used the theory from Elmubarok. Meanwhile, to analyze social values, the writer used the theory from Zubaedi. After calculating, calculating, and analyzing the contents of the textbook, the writer found that the values of education appeared 30 times. The value of honesty appeared 1 time (3.33%), the value of self-discipline appeared 1 time (3.33%), the value of respect appeared 1 time (3.33%), the value of not selfishness appeared 1 time (3.33%), the value of love/affection appeared 8 times (26.67%), and the value of kind and friendly appeared 18 times (60.00%). Meanwhile, social values appeared 137 times. The value of discipline appeared 1 time (0.73%), the value of helping each other appeared 58 times (42.34%), and the value of caring appeared 78 times (56.93%). This implies that the educational and social values contained in English textbooks have a significant influence in order to build the character of students evenly so that they have the criteria as a 'Pancasila student profile'.

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