Perancangan Cerita dan Karakter Bertemakan Depresi dalam Animasi “Agony”

Florencia Irena(1*), Arik Kurnianto(2)

(1) Binus University
(*) Corresponding Author


Depression is as old as the human race, and not many people realize its presence. It is difficult for someone with depression to explain their experience. Depression -whatever the cause, can disturb someones life mentally or physically.  Animation can be one of the media that able to visually represent and explain depression's experiences and still entertain the viewers. To create that kind of visuals, great and solid idea/concept are needed. Of course storyline is also put a big impact on a film. In this research, writer did kinds of study with qualitative methodology. This research also leads to design aspect, especially for characters and environments.Result


depression; short animation; suicide; visualization

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