(1) Indraprasta University
(2) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
(3) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
(*) Corresponding Author
Abstract: This research aims to find out the character of Gen Z presented in the English For Nusantara textbook, an English textbook for grade VII junior high school, and to find out the signifiers and signified which represent the character of Gen Z's life. This research was a descriptive qualitative , and used semiotic Ferdinand De Saussure's theory. The research found : (1) Of the seven characters of Gen Z according to David Stillman, there are 6 characters (85.71%) contained in the pictures in the English for Nusantara book, namely Phygital, Hyper-costumization, Realistic, Fomo, Do it Yourself (DIY), and Motivated. (2) There are 42 pictures or 57.53% of the total 73 pictures in the English for Nusantara book that contain elements of Gen Z characters. DIY (Do IT Your Self) character is the most dominant character because it appears the most in English for Nusantara books, which is 19 pictures or 45.24%.
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