The Use of Diction and Tone in Children’s Stories Book Entitled “Great Stories for Children” By Ruskin Bond

Ulya Rusyda(1*)

(*) Corresponding Author


The aim of this research is to analyze about the use of diction and tone in children’s stories book entitled “great stories for children” by Ruskin Bond. The writer uses a qualitative approach as the method of research in analyzing the use of diction and tone in children’s stories book. This kind of research method is chosen because the writer will analyze the use of dictions and tones used in children’s short story. After analyzing the book, there are 196 data found as the result of this research. 82 data for the dictions and 114 data for the tones. From those data, the tendency of the the use of dictions and tones are using concrete and informal diction, while for the tones are mostly using curious tones along with the informal tones.

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