Contrast Analysis And Subtitles In The English Translation Of The Movie “Coco” (Research On Translation Techniques And Translation Quality)

Reni Wulandari(1*)

(*) Corresponding Author


The objective of the study is to identify the types of translation techniques, evaluate the translation quality and understand the influence of the translation techniques on the translation quality by subtitles in the English translation "Coco" by Lee Unkrich, by PeinAkatsuki used. The data obtained is based on the dialogues contained in the movie “COCO”. The subtitles of all dialogues in the film are analyzed based on theory. This study applies a descriptive qualitative method to evaluate data with documents as data source.. High and moderate degrees of translation accuracy are demonstrated by modulation and other approaches, but they also offer a high degree of readability and readability. The translation method used by the subtitles has a positive impact on the accuracy, acceptability and readability of Indonesian subtitles.



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