Modern art visual characteristic transformation to a full-scale model by first-year architecture students

Marchelia Gupita Sari(1), Ardi Makki Pantow Gunawan(2*)

(1) Universitas Pradita
(2) Universitas Pradita
(*) Corresponding Author


First-year architectural design studio as basic design learning often intersects with other disciplines, especially fine art and graphic design; considering they share both same historical roots and utilize similar visual design principles. This paper aims to explore the shared visual design principles through students' experience in making a three-dimensional full-scale model based on the modern art movement paintings. The research problems are: 1) What are elements and visual design principles which commonly implemented to the full-scale model? 2) What are the reasons behind the implemented visual design principles? Therefore, quasi-qualitative research method is conducted. Semi-structured interview and visual observation become the data collection technique. Analysis has been carried out with theme categorization with researcher’s interpretation. The result of this study for first research problem, three-dimensional model have similar visual design principles used: 1) Repetition and rhythm, 2) assemblages of basic forms to achieve desired composition vertically, and 3) the existence of hierarchy. For the second research problem, this study indicates that the students made effort for the achieve depth for presenting solid-void or spatial quality for the model. The students still need guidance from tutors for full-scale scale models to maintain the art movement visual characteristics from 1:10, 1:5, to full-scale model. Discussion with peers is needed to support the learning process. Full-scale model in model-making helped the students to understand the structure logic and imagine the real environment. Collaboration with other disciplines related to the theme is strongly recommended. 


architecture; art movement;fine-art; first-year student;full-scale model

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