Integrity Pact

Our Honor,
Jurnal Desain Authors

We need to inform you that several times we have withdrawn published articles (retraction) because the articles were found to have been published in other journals. In addition, we have also withdrawn manuscripts that have finished reviewing (withdrawal) several times because after rechecking, it turns out that the manuscript has been published in another journal.

To prevent similar things from happening again, we require every author who submits a manuscript to Jurnal Desain to attach an Integrity Pact along with the manuscript submission. The Integrity Pact can be included in the Supplementary Files column when submitting a manuscript to Jurnal Desain. We will not process the manuscript if the author has not submitted an Integrity Pact.

We do this solely to maintain our integrity as journal managers and all of you as authors.

The Integrity Pact template can be downloaded via the following link: HERE

Thank you

Jurnal Desain Editorial Team