Infographic Design of Public Spaces as A Means of Delivering Information for KOPPRI Health Centers

Ade Moussadecq(1*), Abdi Darmawan(2), Oky Harry Abrian(3)

(1) Institut Informatika dan Bisnis Darmajaya
(2) Institut Informatika dan Bisnis Darmajaya
(3) Institut Informatika dan Bisnis Darmajaya
(*) Corresponding Author


The KOPRI Puskesmas is one of the Puskesmas in Bandar Lampung City which is located in Jalan Pulau Pisang, Sukarame District. KOPRI Puskesmas is present as one of the Puskesmas that provides the best health services supported by doctors and health workers who are competent in their fields. The conventional way of conveying messages provokes the commitment of the KOPRI Health Center to provide the best service for visitors who are not fully known by the public, which is not in line with the essence of indoor communication media that inspires enthusiasm. Infographics are practical media that can be presented statistically or digitally, such as publications on social media and websites. Infographics are useful in 1) Presenting complex information that is pleasing to the eye, 2) Brief interpretation of the substance of the message by the audience, 3) Increasing the effectiveness of digital marketing, and 4) Increasing the interest of message readers. This study uses a qualitative approach method. In the qualitative approach method, there are two sources of data that are used as a reference for analysis, namely primary data and secondary data. The KOPRI Puskesmas infographic design uses a creative approach, namely the mind mapping method which is very commonly used to find new ideas, based on spontaneity and creativity



Infographics; Public Area; KOPRI Health Center

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