Implementation of Health Protocol Social Distancing on Children Educational Toy

Tasya Natalia Wijaya(1*), Hanif Azhar(2), Fajar Sadika(3), Naufal Arya Putra Nurjaman(4), Antonio Junico Da Cruz Soares(5), Devi Eka Agustin(6)

(1) Universitas Telkom
(2) Universitas Telkom
(3) Universitas Telkom
(4) Universitas Telkom
(5) Universitas Telkom
(6) Universitas Telkom
(*) Corresponding Author


Nearing the end of 2019 a virus broke out causing the world to be in the state of a pandemic. With the virus spreading easily through droplets, the government of Indonesia issued the people to wear masks and keep a distance minimum of 1 meter. Public places such as schools, restaurants and religious places are to be closed and to operate through online media. Through 2 years of the pandemic the virus spreading decreased and the government allowed for public places to open again with a strict health protocol. Schools also begin the education onsite but this raises a new problem for the schools and children to face, especially children of 4-6 years old. These ages are where children begin to socialize with their peers. With the limitations of online meeting, children can not interact with their peers resulting in their social skills not developing optimally. Even when schools started onsite again the interaction period is limited by the health protocol such as wearing masks and social distancing. The method used in this study is a mixed method, combining both qualitative and quantitative to gather data both descriptive and number in order to produce the design. The design process uses SCAMPER (Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to Other Use, Eliminate, Reverse) method to adapt and combine two toys into a new one. This study hopes to design educational toys which encourage the interaction of children while abiding the health protocol. 


Toys Design; Educational Toys; Group Play; Social Distancing; SCAMPER

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Copyright (c) 2023 Tasya Natalia Wijaya, Hanif Azhar, Fajar Sadika, Naufal Arya Putra Nurjaman, Antonio Junico Da Cruz Soares, Devi Eka Agustin

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