zahratul fikni(1*), baiq suprapti handini(2), usuluddin usuluddin(3), saidah asri(4)

(1) hamzanwadi unuversity
(2) hamzanwadi University
(3) hamzanwadi University
(*) Corresponding Author


Most of the students faced difficulty to make a paragraph in writing, lacking of vocabulary and grammar. In addition, the students also confused in putting the idea to develop their paragraph especially procedure text. Some techniques were needed by teacher to overcome the problem. One of techniques to improve their writing is structure dyadic methods  assisted tutorial  media. The objective of this research was to find out whether there was the influence of using structure dyadic methods assisted tutorial media on students learning outcomes of procedure. In conducting this research, the researcher was use a quantitative design. The researcher applied pre–experimental design by using one group pre-test and post test design. The sample of this studywas the eleventh grade students of MA Unwanul Falah Paok Lombok, which consisted of 25 students. The data were collected from students’pre-test and post-test by using written test.Thedata were analyzed by using SPSS version 22 for Windows. After submitting the data to apaired sample t-test, it was found that there was a significant difference in the mean score between the pre-test and the post-test, t(df=22)= -14.571at p=0.000which meant that the alternative hypothesis was accepted and the nullhypothesis was rejected.Thus, structure dyadic methods  assisted tutorial  media was significantly effective in guiding students to write procedure text .Considering the process and result of this study,the researcher suggested that the English teachers should use this method in teaching writing, especially in teaching writing procedure text.



structure dyadic methods, media,procedure text

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