Literasi Digital Siswa Madrasah Tsanawiyah Berbasis Pesantren dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Prestasi Belajar Matematika

Julia Morrisca(1), Irhami Hidayati(2), Khairiani Idris(3*)

(1) IAIN Lhokseumawe
(2) IAIN Lhokseumawe
(3) IAIN Lhokseumawe
(*) Corresponding Author


Digital literacy is one of the factors needed in the learning process, especially in learning mathematics, where most concepts are abstract and difficult to understand. This study aims to describe digital literacy skills of Madrasah Tsanawiyah students and the effect of the skills on math learning performance. This is a mixed-method study by combining correlational quantitative and descriptive qualitative studies. A total of 25 students of class VIII MTsS Syamsyudhuha, which was a pesantren-based madrasa in North Aceh, participated in the research. Research data were obtained through a questionnaire, interviews, and documents of students' mathematics report cards in the odd semester of the 2022/2023 school year. The questionnaire used was a literacy questionnaire with 4 indicators, namely internet searching, hypertextual navigation, content evaluation, knowledge assembly. These indicators were also used in developing interview guidelines. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics to describe data distributions followed by correlation analysis. The interview data was analyzed using content analysis technique. The results showed that digital literacy skill of students was in the average level, i.e., with mean scores of 69,4%. However, the students were found to have good self-control in using interner. They effectively use access time to do mathematics schoolwork and to find information about good websites or applications for learning math. Students’ digital literacy skills were nosignificantly correlated with math learning performance (r = -0.064, p = 0.762). Nevertheless, it was found from interview data that having acces to internet facilitated students’ learning and doing their math schoolwork.


Digital literacy; math learning performance; madrasah tsanawiyah students; pesantren-based madrasa


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