The Use of Derivational and Inflectional Affixes in Students’ Recount Text

Siti Nuriawati(1*), Gustaman Saragih(2)

(1) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
(2) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
(*) Corresponding Author


The purpose of this research was to find, to describe and to interpret The Use of Derivational and Inflectional Affixes in Students’ Recount Text, written by students of Senior High School in Bogor. The research was conducted at Senior High School 1 Dramaga and Senior High School 1 Ciampea. The population in this research was the students of grade XI at those two schools. Meanwhile, the member of the population consists of 640 students. Thus, the sample of the research was 10 % of the population from which 64 students were taken. The collection of the data was taken from the students’ recount text composition. This research used qualitative method. The research findings were 1) the common errors produced by using Derivational Affixes in students’ recount text. The total error was 5 which the highest frequency of error happens in the failure to put the right word in the text. It is the error of misformation which consists of 0 error or 0 %, in the second place is the failure to omission which consists of 1 error or 20 %. Followed by the failure to misordering which consists of 0 error or 0 %. The last failure is placed to addition which consists of 4 errors or 80 %. 2) Furthermore, the analysis of grammatical error of using Inflectional Affixes in writing recount text, the writer found the total error is 235. The highest frequency of error in Inflectional Affixes happens in misformation which consists of 222 errors or 94.4 %. In the second place is error in omission which consists of 8 errors or 3.4 %. Followed by the failure placed to misordering which consists of 1 error or 0.43 %, and the last place is the failure to addition which consists of 4 errors or 1.7 %.

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