Morphological and Syntactical Aspect on Student’s Descriptive Composition

Rista Novani(1*), Gustaman Saragih(2)

(*) Corresponding Author


This research aims to analyse morphological and syntactical aspect on student’s descriptive composition. Descriptive qualitative is used as a method in this research. It was conducted at SMK Telekomunikasi Telesandi Bekasi and SMK Tridaya Bekasi. The 60 sample was gained through random sampling technique. Student’s decriptive composition documents as the reasearch instrument. The technique of collecting data on this research used content analysis that was acquired from the students’ writing product. The result of the research are:the highest frequency of error in morphological aspect is in Omission errors which is consist of 98 errors (50%). The second place is Misformation error which consist of 70 errors (34,73%). The third place is Addition error 29 errors (14.74%). The lowest is Misordering error 0 error (0%). There is no any Misordering error found on students’ descriptive composition. The details errors is categorized by inflectional error 35,02%, noun error 18,27%, adverb 12,18%, copula (be) 6,59%, adjective 5,07%, derivational 5, 07%, preposition 4,56%, conjunction 3,55%, pronoun 2,53%, verb 2,03%, determiner 0,50% and superlative 0,50%. After counting the errors, the total numbers of errors are 160 errors in syntactical aspect. The highest frequency of error is in Omission errors which is consist of 72 errors (45%). The second place is Misformation error which consist of 41 errors  (25,62%). The third place of errors is Misordering. The total number errors are 24 errors (15%). The lowest errors made by students is addition error. The total number errors are 23 (14,37%). The errors in syntactical aspect are categorized by noun phrase 22,01%, passive voice 20%, simple sentence 19,37%, compound sentence 14,37%, complex sentence 10,62%, prepositional phrase 7,50%, adjective phrase 3,14%, and tenses 2,50%.


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