The Use of Adjective and Adverb on Students’ Writing Descriptive Text (Study in State Islamic Junior High Schools in East Jakarta)

Suyatmi Thamrin(1*), Muhammad Sulhan(2)

(1) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
(*) Corresponding Author


This research is to analyze the errors made by students in using adjective and adverb on writing descriptive text. This is a descriptive qualitative research followed by the eighth-grade students of Junior High School in East Jakarta namely MTSN 29, MTSN 30, and MTSN 7. The samples of this research are 79 students chosen randomly using random sampling technique and they were to write a descriptive text.The findings show that there are 306 errors in using adjective with the highest percentage of error occuring in Misformation consisting of 125 errors (41%), followed by Omission consisting of 88 errors (29%), and then followed by Addition consisting of 58 errors (19%), and the lowest percentage is Misordering consisting of 35 errors (11%). Meanwhile, 133 errors were found in the use of adverb with the highest percentage of errors in Addition consisting of 59 errors (44%), followed by Misformation consisting of 40 errors (30%), and then followed by Omission consisting of 25 errors (19%), and the lowest percentage of errors is Misordering consisting of 9 errors (7%). This research indicated that Misformation errors in the use of adjective gets the highest percentage while in the use of adverb the highest percentage lies in Addition errors.

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