Exigent Challenge: The Negative Speaking Experiences of Senior High School Students in UM Peñaplata College

Lovely Tabog(1), Clyden Varquez(2), Geralyn Familgan(3*)

(1) UM Peñaplata College
(2) UM Peñaplata College
(3) UM Peñaplata College
(*) Corresponding Author


This qualitative-phenomenological study envisioned understanding learners' negative experiences in speaking English inside the classroom at UM Peñaplata College, Island Garden City of Samal. It was emphasized in this study that learners experience emotional tensions, physiological symptoms, and mental difficulties when they speak English. Eight Grade 11 and 12 Senior High School participants in this study were involved in an In-depth Interview (IDI). Participants' negative experiences revealed six themes; inferiority complex, apprehension, indulging voluntary and involuntary movements, classroom distractions, difficulty in expressing thoughts, and teacher reproaches. From their coping mechanisms, seven themes emerged; diverting one’s attention, breathing techniques, composing oneself, crying behind closed doors, eating, cursing, and talking to trusted friends. Their insights exhibited four themes; lowers confidence level, induces motivation to strive more, furnishes avenues to gain lessons, and engenders disappointments and discouragements. Results suggested that for learners to overcome their negative speaking experiences, teachers' primary role is to create an environment that is student-friendly and convenient for them to speak their thoughts.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30998/inference.v6i1.19448


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