The Erratic Use of Imperative and Passive Voice in Procedure Text Writing Ability

Wihandoyo Ming(1*), Supeno Supeno(2)

(*) Corresponding Author


The objectives of this research is to indicate the errors in the use of Imperative and Passive Voice in the students’ procedure text. The writer uses qualitative descriptive research method. The technique of collecting data of Imperative and Passive Voice was content analysis that was acquired from the students’ writing product. The data of this study is based on Jacob’s theory cited in Meliawati that content or document analysis is a research method applied to written or visual materials for the purpose of identifying specified characteristics of the material. In conclusion, content analysis also helps the writer to find research that fits the writer’s passion rather than needing to find a passion that fits the research. The result of this study is that the teacher should be more conscious and pay more attention to students' learning process in using Imperative and Passive Voice in writing procedure text especially how to design a strategy of teaching language features used in Imperative and Passive Voice.

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