Analisis Nilai Sosial Dan Religi Dalam Naskah Drama"Sebelum Sembahyang” Karya Kecuk Ismadi C.R: Studi Mimesis
(1) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
(2) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
(3) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
(*) Corresponding Author
The objective of this study is to attain a comprehensive comprehension of the social and religious values imbued within the dramatic manuscript "Sebelum Sembahyang" authored by Kecuk Ismadi C.R. through a mimetic inquiry, as a concerted endeavor to elucidate the interplay between literary creations and quotidian existence. Employing a qualitative paradigm with a descriptive methodology, this investigation undertakes data gathering via document analysis, subsequently subjecting the acquired data to mimetic scrutiny. The research outcomes evince that: (1) The nexus between social values and societal actuality within this manuscript manifests through the depiction of societal realities, interpersonal conflicts, moral rectifications, and the transformative processes and educational undertakings of its personages. (2) Likewise, the correlation between religious values and societal actuality is discernible through the portrayal of religious rituals, the dissemination of religious tenets via the Kiai character, the spiritual metamorphosis of the protagonists, and the thematic emphasis on contrition and absolution as integral components of the narrated discourse.
Keywords: Analysis, Social Values, Religious Values, Drama Manuscript “Sebelum Sembahyang”
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