Sistem Internet of Things dan Transmisi Data Menggunakan Aplikasi Telegram pada Sistem Keamanan Sepeda Motor

Abdul Kholik(1*), Ibrahim Ibrahim(2), Reni Rahmadewi(3)

(2) Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
(3) Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
(*) Corresponding Author


A motorcycle is a two-wheeled vehicle that is driven by an engine. With a motorcycle, it will be faster and easier to reach our destination. This makes motorcycle users on the road more visible than other vehicles. As a result of a large number of motorcycle vehicles, the crime of motorcycle theft has increased. The main factor underlying the theft of motorcycles is economic factors. Therefore, an IoT-based motorcycle security system was created with the Telegram application. Where the security system uses the Quectel L80 GPS, and fingerprint and can also control the motorbike with the telegram application. The results of testing the command on the motorcycle security system using the telegram application obtained a stable delay time in each experiment. Where the average value of delay in testing the Engine ON and Engine OFF commands is 5.01. While the average value of delay in the fingerprint ADD test is 4.4 seconds and the average delay value in the fingerprint Delete test is 2.3 seconds. In the Quality of Service assessment from the test results using Wireshark, it can be seen that the average results on the network are good because they meet the standardization requirements with an index value of 3.3. Where the average delay value is 170,168865 ms, the average throughput value is 17573,68780-kilo bytes/17k, and the packet loss value is 0%..


Motorcycle; IoT; Telegram

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