Exploring Students’ Perceptions of Authentic Materials vs. Textbooks in English Learning

Sidik Prabowo(1*), Ventje Jany Kalukar(2), Desy Rusmawaty(3)

(1) Mulawarman University
(2) Mulawarman University
(3) Mulawarman University
(*) Corresponding Author


This study investigates students' perceptions of authentic materials compared to traditional textbooks in English language learning. Understanding these perceptions is crucial for educators to enhance language teaching strategies. The objective of the study is to explore how secondary school students value and utilize different learning resources. Nineteen students enrolled in an elective English course participated in the research, providing data through open-ended questionnaires. Thematic analysis was employed to identify key trends in the students' responses. The results indicate that while students appreciate the real-world relevance and engagement offered by authentic materials, they also recognize the structured support and comprehensive content provided by traditional textbooks. This suggests a need for a balanced approach in language education, integrating both authentic materials and textbooks to optimize learning outcomes.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30998/scope.v9i1.24038


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