Mishiyyah Nashih Ulwan(1*), Amiruddin Siahaan(2), Makmur Syukri(3)

(1) Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara
(2) Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara
(3) Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara
(*) Corresponding Author


In human existence, especially in contemporary life, organization is a must. Organizations are used to accomplish tasks or activities that we cannot do ourselves effectively. Life is affected by organizations, but it can also impact other people. Efficiency, sophistication, and complexity have all changed significantly in organizations since they first appeared (in ancient times). As humans are also referred to as social beings, which means they will always need other people to work together. The concept of working together is what in other languages is called organization. This study aims to determine 1) the principal's understanding of the Principal of the Private Middle School Istana Hati Binjai City about Greedy Organizations. 2) Mechanism of implementing Greedy Organization at Istana Hati Private Middle School, Binjai City. 3) Implications of Greedy Organization in Istana Hati Private Middle School, Binjai City. The research method uses qualitative research with the type of field research (field research). The results showed 1) The principal of the Istana Hati Private Middle School in Binjai City understood greedy organization by implementing school activities that wanted to be a differentiator among other schools. 2) The greedy organization implementation mechanism at Istana Hati Private Middle School, Binjai City, is carried out in 5 stages. 3) The implications of greedy organization at Istana Hati Private Middle School, Binjai City, can be understood that in activities that are often carried out by students to improve school, they add more activities to improve school quality.



Implementasi; Sekolah; Greedy Organization

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