Penggunaan Blended-Problem Based Learning di Masa Covid-19 untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis pada Mata Kuliah Kreativitas dan Keberbakatan

Zahratul Qalbi(1*), Sri Saparahayuningsih(2)

(1) Universitas Bengkulu, Indonesia
(2) Universitas Bengkulu, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


The Covid-19 pandemic era has an impact on government policies to carry out learning from home. The low ability of students to think critically makes the learning process not optimal, therefore it is necessary to use the blended-Problem Based Learning learning model as an effort to increase students' critical thinking skills during the Covid-19 period. The method used is classroom action research with a sample of 77 seventh semester students in the subject of creativity and giftedness in the Early Childhood Education Teacher Education, Bengkulu University. The initial critical thinking ability of students was included in the very good category with only a percentage of 4%, in the very poor category with a percentage of 31% after the implementation of the first cycle and the second cycle it was found that the students' critical thinking ability was included in the very good category with a percentage of 13%. While in the very poor category with a percentage of 9%. From these data it can be concluded that the use of the blended-Problem Based Learning learning model can improve students' critical thinking skills.


Blended-Problem Based Learning; Critical Thinking; Creativity and Giftedness;

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