V. Sumiyati V. Sumiyati(1*)

(*) Corresponding Author


In the Mathematic learning at SDN Lebak Bulus 04 Cilandak, South Jakarta, using the JARIMATIKA technical drawing tools has not been fully applied, which has resulted many students from class of III to V have not memorized the multiplication above number 5 (five). This becomes a concern both teachers and parents, and for students, they sometimes feel afraid and reluctant, also tend to avoid Mathematic subject specifically on basic multiplication competency. Mathematic subject is very broad and complex, however the multiplication, division, addition and subtraction (KA-BA_TA-KU) are the main keys in arithmetic operations, and because the students are not yet skilled enough in these four arithmetic operations, so more than 30% of each class has not been mastery which means has not reached school’s Minimum Mastery Criteria of 6.8. The purpose of this research is to improve student learning outcomes and attract students' learning interest by using the JARIMATIKA Technical Drawing Tools.  The research was carried out in 2 (two) cycles and preceded by a pre-cycle stage, while each cycle consisted of 3 (three) meetings. From the pre-cycle stage to the first and second cycles there was an increase in the results of class III-A students particularly at the end of the second cycle. This greatly affected students‘ learning interest and spiritual satisfaction for the researcher that this finger as God’s gift turns out is still underused, therefore  researcher feels grateful that by applying this JARIMATIKA technique idea properly, the result is significant. Hopefully teacher and researcher can develop these teaching tools evenly and maximally in classes of III, IV and V, so that Mathematic is no longer an avoided subject.


Keyword: mathematic, JARITMATIKA, multiplication.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30998/fjik.v7i3.8208


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