Ana Rusmardiana(1*)

(*) Corresponding Author


Abstrac: After entering the elementary school level, especially after stepping on class III and above them started to really adapt and experienced learning related not only science, but also getting to know the true sense of implementation morals, aqidah and others that have been studied. Moreover they began to socialize and sensitive to the surrounding environment. As such education should be accepted by the elementary school students are not only given in the form of hard skills but also sensitivity in soft skills(intrapersonal skills and interpersonal skills). This research directed to analyze the extent the character of students, especially elementary students relating to soft skills are influenced by gender, class level, the order of the child in the family and the work of parents. Be concluded that interpersonal skills, there is the dimension of self-confidence, responsibility for oneself, to open up and express feelings that have differences on gender and class level.


Keywords: Intrapersonal skills, Interpersonal skills, character

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Copyright (c) 2016 Ana Rusmardiana

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