The Leadership and Friendship King of George VI in The King’s Speech Movie by Tom Hooper

Mega Nurmalisa Ayu Puspita(1*), Merry Lapasau(2)

(*) Corresponding Author


This study aims to describe in detail and clearly the leadership style of King George VI and the value of his friendship with the therapist, Lionel Logue in the film The King's Speech. The object of this research is the film The King's Speech, which generally tells the story of King George VI who stuttered in speaking. This research method is descriptive qualitative. The analysis in this study uses Roland Barthes' semiotics through two stages of significance, namely denotation and connotation. By observing the scenes in the film. The results of this study indicate and describe that King George VI has a team leadership style on a scale of 9.9 and the value of friendship between King George VI and his therapist has met the proper values, namely understanding, honesty, trust, cooperation and loyalty.

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