Students’ Critical Thinking and Writing Skills Regarded to Reflective Writing

Firda Fauziah Nur Sajidin(1*), Supeno Supeno(2)

(1) Indraprasta PGRI University
(*) Corresponding Author


The research aims to describe and analyze the students writing skills and critical thinking by making reflective writing. Specifically, this research is conducted to find out: (1) Whether or not Reflective Writing could improve students' writing skills. (2) Whether or not Critical Thinking Disposition appears in Reflective Writing. (3) Participants' response to Reflective Writing. This research is conducted in qualitative, particularly in a case study. The result shows that all participants improve their skills in general writing. The participants improve in the general aspects of writing such as content, organization, grammar, vocabulary, and mechanics. In making reflection, two participants improve the level of reflection that is from non-reflection become in the understanding level and in the reflection level or the third level. However, a participant is in the same level of reflection that is still at the level of non-reflection. The Critical Thinking Dispositions that appear in this research are Open-Mindedness, Inquisitiveness, Systematic, and Analyticity. In addition, the participants present a positive response to reflective writing because RW helps in self-evaluation and self-awareness.

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