Students’ Perception on Online Learning Media and Self-fficacy during Covid 19 toward English Learning Achievement

Erwan Erwan(1*), Ira Miranti(2)

(1) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI Jakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


The research aims at finding out the effects of students’ perception on learning media and self-efficacy towards English learning achievement at Senior High Schools in Depok, finding out the effect of students’ perception on learning media towards English learning achievement at Senior High Schools in Depok, and finding out the effect of students’ self-efficacy towards English learning achievement at Senior High School Students in Depok. This study used survey approach. The population of the study is 530 students, and the sample is 100 students. The analysis uses t test and F test. Based on data analysis, it is found that there is a significant effect of students’ perception on learning media (X1) and self-efficacy jointly towards English learning achievement with Sig. (0,000) > 0,05 and F-value 1,521, Students’ Perception on learning media has a significant effect on English Learning Achievement with the value of sig is 0.018 <0.05 and the t-count value 1.240, and Self-Efficacy has a significant effect towards English learning achievement with the value of sig is 0.087 <0.05 and the t-count 1.330.The iresearch iaims iat ifinding iout ithe ieffects iof istudents’ iperception ion ilearning
media iand iself-efficacy itowards iEnglish ilearning iachievement iat iSenior iHigh iSchools iin
Depok, ifinding iout ithe ieffect iof istudents’ iperception ion ilearning imedia itowards iEnglish
learning iachievement iat iSenior iHigh iSchools iin iDepok, iand ifinding iout ithe ieffect iof
students’ iself-efficacy itowards iEnglish ilearning iachievement iat iSenior iHigh iSchool iStudents
in iDepok. iThis istudy iused isurvey iapproach. iThe ipopulation iof ithe istudy iis i530 istudents,
and ithe isample iis i100 istudents. iThe ianalysis iuses it itest iand iF itest. iBased ion idata ianalysis,
it iis ifound ithat ithere iis ia isignificant ieffect iof istudents’ iperception ion ilearning imedia i(X1)
and iself-efficacy ijointly itowards iEnglish ilearning iachievement iwith iSig. i(0,000) i> i0,05 iand
F-value i1,521, iStudents’ iPerception ion ilearning imedia ihas ia isignificant ieffect ion iEnglish
Learning iAchievement iwith ithe ivalue iof isig iis i0.018 i<0.05 iand ithe it-count ivalue i1.240,
and iSelf-Efficacy ihas ia isignificant ieffect itowards iEnglish ilearning iachievement iwith ithe
value iof isig iis i0.087 i<0.05 iand ithe it-count i1.330.

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