Bahasa Sebagai Pertahanan Bangsa: “Atembang Poteh Mata, Lebbhi Bagus Poteh Tollang” dalam Tinjauan Sosiolinguistik

Kuntum Chairum Ummah(1*), Tri Pujiati(2)

(1) Universitas Trunojoyo Madura
(2) Universitas Trunojoyo Madura
(*) Corresponding Author


Madura society has proverbs that contain advice or teachings from parents. This proverb internalizes in the individual as well as being firmly rooted to the life and character reflected in the minds and behaviors of the people of Madura as well as as an effort in defense of the nation. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative research. Data collection is carried out through the process of library study, observation, and focus group discussion (FGD). The study used data from the Madura proverb “Atembang Poteh Mata, Lebbhi Bagus Poteh Tollan, Lebbhi bagus poteh tolang” which has a related meaning instilling the spirit of jihad to defend oneself by maintaining harkat and dignity, whether it concerns family, possessions, religion, and land. The results of the research findings explain that proverbs can be interpreted linguistically and connected with the life of certain people. The Madura community is morally responsible and teaches a high sense of commitment and value, especially in the effort to perform duties and responsibilities towards all matters that become whatever profession is taken.


Keywords: Madura Proverbs, Character, Madura Society, Morals, and Defense of the Nation

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