Hubungan Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif dengan Keterampilan Menulis Karangan Narasi Siswa Kelas V SDN 12 Singkawang
(1) ISBI Singkawang
(2) ISBI Singkawang
(3) ISBI Singkawang
(*) Corresponding Author
This research aims to: 1) determine the creative thinking abilities of class V students
at SDN 12 Singkawang; 2) to determine the creative thinking abilities of class V
students at SDN 12 Singkawang; 3) to determine the correlation between creative
thinking skills and narrative essay writing skills for fifth grade students at SDN 12
Singkawang. The method utilized in this research is quantitative research with a
correlation design. The research population was 47 class V students at SDN 12
Singkawang. The sampling technique in this research was saturated sampling of 47
students. The data collection technique in this research is based on measurement
techniques, namely using tests of creative thinking abilities and narrative essay
writing skills. The data analysis techniques used are Product Moment Correlation
(PPM) and Spearman Rank Correlation. The results of this research indicate that,
1) the creative thinking skills of class V students are still in the low category at 56.
2) the students' narrative essay writing skills are still in the sufficient category as
evidenced by the average result of 60 being in the sufficient category. 3) there is no
correlation between creative thinking skills and narrative essay writing skills for
class V students, amounting to 0.172. So, from the results of the research that has
been conducted, there is no positive and significant correlation between the ability
to think creatively and the narrative essay writing skills of class V students.
Keywords: creative thinking skills, narrative essay writing skills.
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