Pengaruh Lingkungan Keluarga dan Kemandirian Belajar terhadap Kemampuan Berpkir Kreatif Matematika

Sunarso Sunarso(1*)

(*) Corresponding Author


The purpose of this study was to determine the direct effect of family environment on creative thinking skill mathematics, the direct effect of independent learning ability on think creatively ability mathematics, the direct infuence of family environment on independent learning, the indirect influence of family environment ability on creative thinking skill mathematics through independence learning. The method used for this study was survey.with number of sample of 90 people in randomized and stratified based on the student ratio of each Junior High School of South Tangerang. The data collected analysed by descriptive analysis, Pearson simple correlation, and line coefficient with t . statistical test of SPSS 20. The research was conducted from February to May 2018. Based on the results of hypothesis test and data analysis, the study can be summarized as follows :1) There was a significant direct effect of family environment on the ability to think creatively in mathematics,. 2) There was a direct infuence of family environment on independent learning, and 3) There was a significant direct effect of family environment on learning independence, and 4) This is a significant effect of family environment on the ability to think creative in mathematics The implication of the research is if the effect of family environment is high and the self direction studying is high as well then the creative thinking ability mathematics of the the student is better


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