Aplikasi Media Pembelajaran Berbasis ICT Pada Sub Materi Mekanika Kuantum

Syarif Faisal(1*), Supardi U.S(2), Heru Sriyono(3)

(1) Unindra
(2) Unindra
(3) Unindra
(*) Corresponding Author


The purpose of this study is to develop ICT-based learning media on quantum mechanics subject matter. This research is a research development (R&D) using ms.excel to develop learning media. The development of this research uses the ADDIE model that is (1) Analysis, (2) Design, (3) Development, (4) Implementation, and (5) Evaluation. Validation was carried out by two media experts and two material experts. The developed media was tested on 20 respondents. The results showed that ICT-based learning media that had been developed were based on media expert validator I 82.35% and media expert validator II 80.00%, both media expert validators assessed ICT learning media as good. Whereas the assessment of the material expert validator I and material expert II is 90.00% with a good category. Responses and tests conducted on respondents carried out as much as 85% of respondents completed valid questions from the tests used so that effective learning media used in the learning process. While as much as 82.06% of students claimed that the ICT learning media were categorized as good. Based on the results of research on ICT learning media data on quantum mechanical materials that are feasible, interesting and effectively used in the process of chemical learning. This research has produced learning media in the form of excel-based educational games supported by flip book application learning resources.

The purpose of this study is to develop ICT-based learning media on quantum mechanics subject matter. This research is a research development (R&D) using ms.excel to develop learning media. The development of this research uses the ADDIE model that is (1) Analysis, (2) Design, (3) Development, (4) Implementation, and (5) Evaluation. Validation was carried out by two media experts and two material experts. The developed media was tested on 20 respondents. The results showed that ICT-based learning media that had been developed were based on media expert validator I 82.35% and media expert validator II 80.00%, both media expert validators assessed ICT learning media as good. Whereas the assessment of the material expert validator I and material expert II is 90.00% with a good category. Responses and tests conducted on respondents carried out as much as 85% of respondents completed valid questions from the tests used so that effective learning media used in the learning process. While as much as 82.06% of students claimed that the ICT learning media were categorized as good. Based on the results of research on ICT learning media data on quantum mechanical materials that are feasible, interesting and effectively used in the process of chemical learning. This research has produced learning media in the form of excel-based educational games supported by flip book application learning resources.


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