Pengaruh Motivasi Berprestasi dan Prokrastinasi Akademik terhadap Pemahaman Konsep Matematika

Indra Adam(1*), Hasbullah Hasbullah(2)

(2) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
(*) Corresponding Author


This study aimed to investigate whether there are : 1).  Direct significant impact of Achieving Motivation on Mathematics Concept Understandings, 2).  Direct significant impact of Student’s Academic Procrastination on Mathematics Concept Understandings, 3). Direct significant impact of Achieving Motivation on Student’s Academic Procrastination and, 4).  Indirect significant impact of Achieving Motivation on Mathematics Concept Understandings through Student’s Academic Procrastination.  The benefit of this studies is to provide information about the impact of the student’s Achieving Motivation and Academic Procrastination on the Mathematics Concept Understanding.  The methods that being used in this study is the correlation survey method with Path Analysis.  The population of this study was all the year 10 students in SMK Bina Bangsa, SMK Karya Agung and SMK Global Informatika which is located at Tangerang region.  The sample was 61  students that was chosen by using simple random sampling methods.  The instrument used to collect the data are the Achieving Motivation questionnaire consisting 25 questions, the Student’s Academic Procrastination questionnaire consisting 40 questions and the Mathematics Concept Understanding test consisting of 25 multiple-choice questions.  The statistics calculation shows : 1). There are significant direct impact of Achieving Motivation 

to Mathematical Concept Understanding that was proven by thitung = 4,178 > ttabel = 2,002, 2). There are insignificant direct impact of Student’s Academic Procrastination to Mathematical Concept Understanding that was proven by thitung = 1,164 < ttabel = 2,002, 3). There are significant direct impact of Achieving Motivation to Student’s Academic Procrastination that was proven by thitung = 5,897 > ttabel = 2,002, 4). There are insignificant indirect impact of Achieving Motivation to Mathematical Concept Understanding through Student’s Academic Procrastination that was proven by thitung = 0,733 < ttabel = 2,002.
Keywords: Achieving Motivation, Academic Procrastination, Mathematical Concept Understanding.

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