Rizky Wahyu Satrio(1*)

(1) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract. Development of Android-Based “Math Kingdom” Educational Game to Improve Understanding of the Concept Power and Roots Eksponents of Junior High School Student. The objectives of this study is 1) Knowing the characteristics of android-based “math kingdom” educational game to improve understanding of the concept power and roots eksponents of junior high school student, 2) Knowing the validity products of android-based “math kingdom” educational game to improve understanding of the concept power and roots eksponents of junior high school student, 3) knowing the evectiveness of android-based “math kingdom” educational game to improve understanding of the concept power and roots eksponents of junior high school student. This research uses the development research method. Product trial samples amounted to 36 students from one school, namely SMPN 131 Jakarta. The results of the study concluded: 1) The product produced was an Android-based "Math Kingdom" educational game, a student handbook, and a learning implementation plan. 2) the results of the validity of the Android-based educational game "Math Kingdom" shows a good category. The results of the validation of the educational game handbook "Math Kingdom" show a good category. RPP validation results show very good categories and evaluation tools in the form of student learning outcomes tests also show very good categories. 3) Students' cognitive learning outcomes using the Android-based educational game "Math Kingdom" at the school have also been said to be effective based on the percentage of mastery learning achieved by students, which is 83%. This research can also provide an overview and input, especially to educational providers, because the use of this educational game can improve the quality of mathematics learning, and can improve student cognitive learning outcomes.

Keywords: Educational Game, Android, Learning Media, Understanding of Power and Roots Eksponents, Math Kingdom.

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