The Effect of Cooperative Learning Models on Understanding the Concepts and Abilities of Creative Chemistry Thinking (Experiments at Senior High School in South Tangerang)

Ira Ira Isnawati(1*), Tatan Zaenal Muttakin(2)

(1) Unindra (Universitas IndraPrasta)
(*) Corresponding Author


: This study aims to analyze and test the truth of hypotheses regarding the influence of the Cooperative Learning Model on Students' Understanding of the Concepts and Capabilities of Creative Chemistry Thinking. The research hypotheses tested included: 1) The Effect of the Cooperative Learning Model on the Understanding of the Concepts and Capabilities of Thinking Creative Chemistry in Multivariate. 2) The Effect of Cooperative Learning Models on Students' Understanding of Chemistry Concepts. 3) The Effect of Cooperative Learning Models on Students' Creative Chemistry Thinking Ability. The study was conducted by the experimental method. The population is class X of SMAN 4 and SMAN 1 South Tangerang with the sample of 80 students through a purposive sampling technique with a simple random sampling technique. The experimental design used in this study uses Posttest Only Design with multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). The instrument used to understand Chemistry concepts use 20 multiple choice, 10 questions for creative thinking skills. Based on the calculation, the results are: (1) There is a significant influence of multivariate learning models on the understanding of concepts and ability to think creatively in chemistry of South Tangerang High School students, by sig 0,000 (<0.05) (Fh 22,387), (2) There is a significant effect of the learning model on the understanding of the chemistry concept of South Tangerang High School students, evidenced by sig 0,000 (<0.05) (Fh 36,803), (3) There is a significant effect of the learning model on the chemical creative thinking ability of South Tangerang High School students with sig 0,000 (<0.05) (Fh 19,187).Keywords: Concept Understanding, Atomic Structure, Creative Thinking

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