Rahmat Fauzi(1*), Hasbullah Hasbullah(2), Erwinsyah Erwinsyah(3)

(1) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
(2) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI Jakarta
(3) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI Jakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


The research aims to determine: 1) The influence of Mathematical Logical Intelligence and Mathematical Anxiety on the Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability of Private Middle School students in Karawang Regency. 2) The influence of Mathematical Logical Intelligence on the Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability of Private Middle School students in Karawang Regency, 3) The Effect of Mathematical Anxiety on the Mathematics problem-solving ability of Private Middle School students in Karawang Regency. The population in the study was students of Mentari Ilmu Integrated Islamic Junior High School, Muhammadiyah Karawang Junior High School; Plus Indonesian LaboratoryJunior High School and Buahati 2 Islamic School Integrated Islamic Junior High School Karawang. The research was conducted using a survey method with Multiple Regression techniques. The sampling technique used was proportional random sampling with a sample size of 86 students. The research results show that: 1) There is a significant influence of Mathematical Logical Intelligence and Mathematical Anxiety on the Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability of Private Middle School students in Karawang Regency. This is proven by the Sig value. = 0.000 < 0.05 and ??????? = 184.541. 2) There is a significant influence of Mathematical Logical Intelligence on the Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability of Private Middle School students in Karawang Regency. This is proven by the Sig value. = 0.008 < 0.05 and t?????? = 2.715. 3) There is a significant influence of Mathematical Anxiety on the Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability of Private Middle School students in Karawang Regency. This is proven by the Sig value. = 0.000 < 0.05 and t?????? = 5.752


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