Penerapan Aplikasi Learning Management System (LMS) untuk Meningkatkan Fleksibilitas Pembelajaran Fisika Siswa Akselerasi

Muhamad Ikhwanu Romadhan(1*)

(*) Corresponding Author


This research is motivated by the low learning activity of accelerated program students outside of the school hours, while the available time for them is relatively shorter than for regular class. This study aims to increase the flexibility of physics learning for accelerated program through the application of the Moodle Learning Management System (LMS) so that the study material can be completed completely with good results. The research was conducted using the Classroom Action Research method in December 2009 at SMAN 70 Jakarta for students of grade 10th Acceleration Program. The flexibility of student learning activity in the accelerated program can be seen from 1769 learning activities through Moodle LMS in the first cycle with 53,42% of which are activities outside school hours. Based on student interviews, it is known that students already feel quite flexible in learning with the Moodle LMS with a flexibility score of 62.68%. In cycle II, improvements were made by extending the work time of the task through the Moodle LMS and the result was that there was an increase in learning flexibility as seen from the increase in student learning activities outside of school hours using the Moodle LMS to 62.03% from 1626 activities. The results of the interview also showed an increase in the flexibility felt by students to be 72.03%. The results of this study indicate that "the application of the Moodle Learning Management System (LMS) can increase the learning flexibility of students in the "accelerated" class.


Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh rendahnya akivitas pembelajaran siswa program akselerasi di luar jam pelajaran ?sekolah, sedangkan waktu yang tersedia untuk mereka realtif lebih singkat dibandingkan kelas reguler.?Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan fleksibilitas pembelajaran fisika siswa program akselerasi melalui ?penerapan Learning Management System (LMS) moodle sehingga materi dapat terselesaikan dengan tuntas dan ?dengan hasil yang baik. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode penelitian tindakan kelas (Classroom ?Action Research) pada bulan Desember 2009 di SMAN 70 Jakarta pada siswa kelas X Akselerasi. Fleksibilitas ?pembelajaran siswa program akselerasi terlihat dari 1769 aktivitas pembelajaran melalui LMS moodle di siklus I dengan ??53,42% di antaranya merupakan aktivitas di luar jam pelajaran sekolah. Berdasarkan wawancara siswa diketahui bahwa ?siswa sudah merasa cukup fleksibel belajar dengan LMS moodle dengan skor fleksibilitas sebesar 62,68 %. Pada siklus ?II dilakukan perbaikan dengan memperpanjang waktu pengerjaan tugas melalui LMS moodle dan diperoleh hasil ?bahwa ada peningkatan fleksibilitas pembelajaran yang terlihat dari meningkatnya aktivitas pembelajaran siswa di luar ?jam pelajaran sekolah dengan menggunakan LMS moodle menjadi 62,03% dari 1626 aktivitas. Hasil wawancara juga ?menunjukkan peningkatan fleksibilitas yang dirasakan siswa menjadi 72,03 %. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ?penerapan Learning Management System (LMS) moodle dapat meningkatkan fleksibilitas pembelajaran siswa kelas ?akselerasi.

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