Pengujian Black Box Testing pada Aplikasi Action & Strategy Berbasis Android dengan Teknologi Phonegap

Wahyu Nur Cholifah(1*), Yulianingsih Yulianingsih(2), Sri Melati Sagita(3)

(1) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
(2) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
(3) Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
(*) Corresponding Author


Android technology today has developed into the daily needs of the public and workers. Therefore, it is necessary to build an Android-based action & strategy application as a knowledge sharing media for Brimob members to improve the quality of each personnel. However, to get optimal results, it is important to perform a thorough test on the application system interface by using black box testing with the aim of knowing whether the functions in the application have run according to their objectives and of evaluating the application suitability for the user's needs. The test is carried out in two stages. The first test is performed on the functions of the android application simultaneously conducted by a number of users. The second test is carried out on the administration web functions conducted by a user. The results of the two tests show no system error. The method used to conduct the tests for this research is a quantitative method.


Android, Knowledge Sharing, Black Box, Quantitative

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