Developing Materials in English for Sharia Economics Students: An ESP Design

Farida Indri Wijayanti(1*)

(1) UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta
(*) Corresponding Author


The study concentrates on the demand to provide the sharia Economics students with the relevant knowledge in English. This paper attempted to investigate the development of English materials for sharia Economic students. Data were compiled from 120 students and five lecturers through questionnaires and semi structured interviews. This study was analyzed using the need analysis procedure (learner’s factor analysis, present situation analysis and target situation analysis) with a descriptive percentage. The results demonstrated that the students need materials with regard to their preferred future career as entrepreneurs. Materials for speaking and writing skills related to work situations such as a job interview, application letter, product description, product name and tagline, and language used for a company profile were mostly needed by most students. Regarding academic purposes, the students need knowledge of language of academic writing. Furthermore, strategies for paraphrasing are more needed than other materials. Writing becomes the most needed skill practiced by the students during the study due to their preference for a thesis or article as the final project for graduation requirements. The implication of the study can be used in determining materials for preparing students to communicate constructively during study and further work situations.


materials; need analysis; ESP; sharia Economics

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