Types and Function of Code-Switching Uttered by Facilitators in Teaching English

Putu Ary Wira Dharma(1*), I Komang Sulatra(2)

(1) Mahasaraswati Denpasar University
(2) Mahasaraswati Denpasar University
(*) Corresponding Author


This research was conducted to find out and analyse the types and also the function of code switching done by the facilitators of Kampus Mengajar Mandiri Program in teaching English, which can give insight about how language switch can occur in the teaching process, especially in teaching English. Qualitative method is applied in order to identify and classify the data based on the theory proposed by Poplack in Romaine (1995) in categorizing the types of code switching while, in analysing the function of code-switching this study applied the theory proposed by Gumperz (1982). The research scope is limited to find out the types and function of code switching done by facilitators when teaching English at SD N 1 Jatiluwih. The data were taken by applying observation method thorough recording, listening, and note taking the utterances spoken by two facilitators during teaching process. The findings reveal 213 utterances are categorized as code switching. The result shows that all types of code-switching found, namely; tag-switching, intra-sentential switching and inter-sentential-switching. From six functions this study only found five functions, such as; interjection, addressee specification, reiteration, message qualification and personalization versus objectification. The function of code-switching that didn’t occur is quotation. This study's findings indicate that intra-sentential switching is the types of code switching that is most frequently used, with total 146 utterances (68%) and Interjection is the most dominant function of code switching that done with total 78 utterances (32.5%).


Code Switching; Teaching; Facilitators; Students; Kampus Mengajar Mandiri Program.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30998/scope.v8i2.20144


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