Developing Students Skill in Comprehending Historical Recount Text through Mind Mapping Technique at Senior High School

Delani Febrianti(1*), Muhammad Andriana Gaffar(2)

(1) Universitas Islam Nusantara
(2) Universitas Islam Nusantara
(*) Corresponding Author


Reading comprehension is an interactive process that involves the reader and the writer. In this case, the reader tries to interpret the message in the text that was read. So, reading comprehension is one of the important teaching materials of English that given for students. This study aims to analyze the implementation of mind mapping techniques in improving students’ reading comprehension in historical recount text. Also, to analyze the students’ perceptions towards the implementation of mind mapping technique. This research was conducted at MA Nurul Iman Bandung. The research design is classroom action research. The participant of this study is 10th grade students, which consists of 16 female and 14 male students. The data were collected through observation, interview, and test. The result of this study there was an increase in students' comprehending skills related to their understanding of historical recount text material. The increasing was seen after the implementation of the mind mapping technique to learn historical recount text material. It means that the mind mapping technique was effective in increasing students' comprehension skills related to historical recount text.


Mind mapping technique, comprehension skill, recount text

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