Pemaknaan Pesan Guru dengan Wali Murid pada Whatsapp Group Masa Pandemi Covid-19
(1) Magister Ilmu Komunikasi Usahid Jakarta
(2) Pascasarjana Universitas Sahid Jakarta
(3) Pascasarjana Universitas Sahid Jakarta
(*) Corresponding Author
One of the sectors impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic is education. Distance Learning encourages the learning process in the selected Network as a solution so that teaching and learning activities continue. Cikal Cendekia Islamic Elementary School (IES) is one of the education providers that implemented distance learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. Social media WhatsApp as a means of distance learning communication by IES Cikal Cendekia. Communication between teachers and students through intermediary guardians of students is carried out via WhatsApp class groups. The use of WhatsApp as a means of communication for distance learning encountered problems. Constraints occur because of differences in the meaning of teachers and guardians of students. This research examines the meaning of the messages of teachers and guardians of students in the WhatsApp group of IES Cikal Cendekia Class 3 Uwais Al-Qarni. Three topics as research analysis namely change in main group settings, Off-Network data collection programs, Parents Teacher interviews implementation programs. Qualitative descriptive research method. Message analysis uses Encoding-Decoding analysis. The reception of Stuart Hall's Message Theory to see the position of receiving messages. The results of the encoding-decoding analysis show that the communicant interprets the messages differently. There is a distortion of the message received by the communicant because it is by the teacher who is often ambiguous and the differences in the characteristics of the sources. The position of receiving teacher messages by parents of two messages by negotiation. One message is opposition, and no message is accepted dominantly.
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