Muhammad Dwi Prastiawan(1), Esty Setyo Utaminingsih(2*)

(1) Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Muhammadiyah Blora
(2) Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Muhammadiyah Blora
(*) Corresponding Author


Evaluation instruments play an essential role in measuring the achievement of student knowledge in the learning process in classroom. Teachers can prepare evaluation instruments by making observations first to students during learning . This study aimed to develop an evaluation instrument with the help of Quizizz application for natural science subjects on green plant topics. The method used in this study is Research and development with a 4D model (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate). Evaluation instruments developed from material validation tests obtained a value of 106. The validity of the class teacher's material is 93. And media expert validation of 90. The final score of evaluation instrument validation is 77.06% and is included in the high category based on the validation test of material experts and media experts; the evaluation instrument with Quizizz application is worthy and relevant of being used as an evaluation instrument to increase student interest in doing the questions.



Elementary School; Evaluation Instrument; Natural Science; Quizizz

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