Rayung Wulan(1*), Andi Mirza Ronda(2)

(1) Indrapasta PGRI University
(2) Sahid Jakarta University
(*) Corresponding Author


The fast-moving global market, connected digitally, is changing the marketing landscape for local products, especially Bakung Lor Sticky Rice Tape in the Kota Tua Jamblang Tourism Village, Cirebon. The digital marketing communication model integrates the Marketing Mix 8P’s approach to increase the visibility and attractiveness of these traditional products in a world of digitalization. The aim of this research is to implement a communication model with the 8P’s Marketing Mix Approach which includes Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Process, Proof and Service which can be adapted to optimize the digital marketing strategy of Bakung Lor Sticky Rice Tape. The method used is to explore the tourist village of Kota Tua Jamblang with its wealth of superior products, Bakung Lor sticky rice tape, by utilizing digital technology to design an effective marketing campaign. Through the integration of social media, websites, and other digital marketing tools, this model increases the visibility of Bakung Lor Sticky Tape, invites public participation in the marketing process, and improves the online consumer experience.The results of implementing the Marketing Mix 8P’s digital marketing communication model accommodate local product characteristics and specific target markets. Through this approach Bakung Lor Sticky Tape products can reach a wider audience, maintain the authenticity of local culture, and compete effectively in the dynamic digital market. The marketing communications model, which combines the power of digital marketing and the Marketing Mix 8P’s approach, has succeeded in providing local entrepreneurs and village governments with the opportunity to strengthen the promotion of traditional products in the digital marketing ecosystem


Bakung Lor Sticky Rice Tape, Jamblang Tourist Village, Digital Marketing Communications, Marketing Mix 8P’s

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