The Effectiveness of The Challenge-Based Learning (CBL) Model on Students’ Mathematical Literacy Skills

Megita Dwi Pamungkas(1*), Ribchatul Mustafidah(2), Jaka Wijaya Kusuma(3), Moh. Rikza Muqtada(4)

(1) Universitas Tidar
(2) Universitas Tidar
(3) Universitas Bina Bangsa
(4) Universitas Tidar
(*) Corresponding Author


Mathematical literacy skills are essential for students to practice problem-solving in everyday life. However, the mathematical literacy skills of students at SMP Negeri 5 Magelang are still relatively low, with an initial average score of 38.4. Therefore, solutions are needed to improve students' mathematical literacy skills. One such solution is implementing the Challenge Based Learning (CBL) model. This research aims to analyse the completeness of mathematical literacy skills of students who follow the learning process using the CBL model, analyse the completeness of mathematical literacy skills of students who follow the learning process using the direct instruction model, & compare the effectiveness of the CBL model with the direct instruction model in improving students' mathematical literacy skills. The research method used is a quasi-experimental design with a pre-test, post-test, and nonequivalent control group. The sampling technique used is cluster random sampling, with Class IX D consisting of 30 students as the experimental class and Class IX E consisting of 29 students as the control class. Data analysis results show that students' mathematical literacy skills, both with the CBL model and the direct instruction model, reach completeness. Additionally, the Challenge Based Learning (CBL) model is more effective than the direct instruction model in enhancing students' mathematical literacy skills.


Challenge Based Learning, Direct Instruction, Mathematical Literacy Skills

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