The Dynamics of Scientific Attitudes in Fostering Creativity: A Study on Secondary School

Dela Putri(1*), Wirawan Fadly(2), Primus Demboh(3), Nanang Winarno(4)

(1) IAIN Ponorogo
(2) IAIN Ponorogo
(3) Ministry of Secondary Education
(4) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


Indonesian students' low science literacy underscores the need to foster a scientific attitude and creativity for 21st-century learning. This study examined the association between scientific attitudes and creativity among 112 grade 8 students from five secondary schools in Ponorogo Regency using quantitative methodologies and a cross-sectional design. Data were collected via Google Forms distributed through WhatsApp groups, employing the Scientific Attitude Inventory (SAI II) and a modified Kaufman Domains of Creativity Scale (K-DOCS). Analyses using t-tests, linear regression, and correlation tests revealed that perseverance, environmental sensitivity, and cooperation significantly predict scientific creativity. Furthermore, female students demonstrated higher persistence and environmental sensitivity than male peers. This study highlights the value of adaptable and context-based teaching strategies, such as project-based learning, to foster student’s broad development in their scientific mindsets and inventiveness.

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