Comparison of the Advantages of Brain-Based Learning and Scientific in Terms of Student’s Mathematical Literacy and Self-Efficacy
(1) Yogyakarta State University
(2) Yogyakarta State University
(*) Corresponding Author
The purpose of the research was to compare the benefits of scientific models and brain-based learning (BBL) with reference to junior high school students' mathematical literacy and self-efficacy. This kind of study is a quasi-experiment. In order to understand more about the system of linear equations with two variables, the study was carried out between July and August of 2024. All Class VIII pupils from a public junior high school in Yogyakarta made up the study's population. Two-class samples were chosen at random. Mathematical literacy test questions and a self-efficacy questionnaire were the tools used. Both tools are trustworthy and legitimate—an independent sample T-test was conducted after the data analysis method using Manova with T2 Hotelling test statistics. The sample data must originate from a multivariate normal distributed population with the same variance-covariance matrix, according to the Manova assumption. The findings of the research, which used ?=5%, demonstrated that BBL outperformed the scientific method in terms of average self-efficacy and mathematical literacy scores as well as when examined per indicator of both variables.
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