Belief System Theory in Learning Mathematics: The Case of Basic Education in the Philippines

Joemark Dela Peña Ablian(1*), Angelica Barquilla Aquis(2), Lester Flores Mendoza(3), Renz Dragon Devera(4), John Lloyd Dumlao Famularcano(5), Prince Mark Daes Dumlao(6)

(1) Limay Polytechnic College
(2) Polytechnic College of Botolan
(3) Polytechnic College of Botolan
(4) Polytechnic College of Botolan
(5) Polytechnic College of Botolan
(6) Polytechnic College of Botolan
(*) Corresponding Author


Understanding how students learn mathematics concepts is an essential factor in shaping how the students view the subject and building a solid foundation in their ability to apply these ideas. The study aimed to address the existing gap by investigating Rokeach’s Belief System Theory through the lens of Mathematics learning. The study uses Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) to explore the connections between beliefs, values, and attitudes in mathematics learning from the 518 randomly selected elementary students. The findings revealed a direct connection between these three main constructs, highlighting that a positive belief about mathematics increased students' perceived worth of the subject, which developed positive attitudes, resulting in a self-reinforcing cycle that supported and improved mathematical learning and engagement. With this, different stakeholders may foster a more supportive and engaging learning environment for the learners. Teaching students in context, connecting concepts to real-life scenarios, and emphasising relevance and value will foster deeper understanding, motivation, and achievement in mathematics.


Beliefs in learning Mathematics, values in learning Mathematics, attitude in learning Mathematics

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