Evaluation of Developed Learning Module in General Physics 2 as a Self-Paced Distance Learning Material

Fernando Aguilar Avenir(1*), Dr. Brenda Bulos Bacani(2)

(1) Holy Angel University
(2) National University
(*) Corresponding Author


The pandemic shifted the learning continuum, and the low performance of learners in the Science subject of the National Achievement Test (NAT) brought about challenges for educators. With this, a learning module in General Physics 2 patterned after the Department of Education’s mandated Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) was developed after a least-learned competency was assessed to develop a learning module. It was validated in terms of Content Quality, Instructional Quality, Technical Quality, and Other Findings by a set of field experts selected through purposive sampling. The study adopted a quantitative, descriptive research design. The field experts' evaluation shows very satisfactory remarks on the content, instructional, technical qualities, and other findings. The developed module is recommended to be used as a module exemplar, especially in General Physics 1 in the Department.


Development and Evaluation; Learning Module; General Physics 2; Least-Learned Competency; Holy Angel University

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30998/formatif.v15i1.26093


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