The Effectiveness of the Dynamic Learning Program (DLP) on Students’ Science Process Skills among 7-Grade Students

Justo Retuya Dela Cerna(1*), Marie Khul Cabalo Langub(2)

(2) Southern Leyte State University
(*) Corresponding Author


This study looks into the effect of the Dynamic Learning Program (DLP) through the use of a Learning Activity Sheet in improving the science process skills of Grade 7 students in a rural secondary school in the Philippines. A mixed-method quasi-experimental design was utilised, with 47 students in each group, the experimental group exposed to the DLP and a control group following traditional teaching methods. Pre-tests and post-tests measured students' proficiency in the science process skills (SPS): observing, classifying, communicating, measuring, inferring, experimenting, and predicting. Results showed that the experimental group demonstrated significant improvements in classification, communication, and measurement skills, while other skills, such as observation and experimentation, showed minimal to no improvements. The thematic analysis of reflective journals shows positive student perceptions of the Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) used in the DLP, emphasising the ease of use, increased engagement during class, and a sense of responsibility in learning. Students in the experimental group expressed a preference for LAS over traditional notebooks, citing the structured format and the clear, task-oriented approach that promoted independent learning. Although there are some limitations in terms of SPS improvement, the study concludes that DLP is an effective strategy for enhancing science process skills, particularly in schools with very limited resources. It was further recommended that future research focus on optimising DLP to improve skills such as observation, inference, and experimentation. 


Keywords: dynamic learning program, science process skills, learning activity sheets

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