Improving Student Performance in Secondary School Chemistry through Strategic Intervention Materials Integrating Real-World Scenarios

Girly Fin B. Cumilang(1), Reymund C. Derilo(2*), Marjorie C. Umlano(3), Novie A. Pusawen(4), Anita A. Evangelista(5), Florence I. Discaya(6), Jenifer Raymond R. Tallungan(7)

(1) Nueva Vizcaya State University
(2) Nueva Vizcaya State University
(3) Nueva Vizcaya State University
(4) Nueva Vizcaya State University
(5) Nueva Vizcaya State University
(6) Nueva Vizcaya State University
(7) Nueva Vizcaya State University
(*) Corresponding Author


This study used a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design with non-equivalent groups to assess the effectiveness of a Strategic Intervention Material (SIM) incorporating interactive real-world scenarios on secondary school chemistry performance. Eighth-grade students from a rural public secondary school in southern Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines, participated, with the experimental group receiving the SIM intervention and the control group receiving traditional classroom instruction. The findings demonstrated significant improvement in posttest scores among students exposed to SIM integrated with real-world scenarios, contrasting with minimal gains observed in students taught through conventional methods. These results highlight the effectiveness of integrating real-world contexts into educational materials to enhance student engagement and comprehension of complex chemistry concepts. The findings underscore the importance of incorporating real-world scenarios into educational strategies to optimise learning outcomes in secondary school chemistry. Educators are encouraged to adopt innovative teaching approaches that stimulate active engagement and practical and contextualised application of knowledge to enhance student academic achievement.


contextualization of learning, real-world application, chemistry education, Strategic Intervention Material, SIM-based teaching

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